Aiming for 7/7?
Expert IBMYP & IBDP Tutoring for Academic Excellence
Personalized support for IB students to achieve their full potential.
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Why Choose Our Tutoring Services?
Guaranteed score improvement
Expert mentorship on critical IB assessments like Internal Assessments (IA), Extended Essays (EE) and Theory of Knowledge (TOK) ensuring high-quality submissions.
Personalized study plans tailored to IBMYP and IBDP requirements.
Assistance with Personal Project guidance for MYP
Experienced tutors and examiners CAT-1, CAT-2 CAT-3 certified
Preparation for IDU
Proven track record of helping students excel in assessments and final exams
1:1 sessions available for convenience

International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IBMYP)
- Subject-specific tutoring (e.g., Math, Sciences, Humanities, Languages)
- Assistance with Personal Project guidance
- Preparation for IDU

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)
- Subject-specific support for HL/SL subjects
- TOK, IA, and EE support
- Exam preparation and revision sessions